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2024 Synod Listening Sessions – Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Saturday, March 16th
9am – 11am

Register by clicking the link:

Join in the discussion and learn more from the Synthesis of the Synod of Synodality: how the Church would benefit greatly from providing more opportunities for dialogue and listening. Synodality – the process of journeying together – is an opportunity for us to work together – clergy, religious and laity – in proclaiming the saving message of the Jesus Christ in our world.

What is a Synod?
 A Synod is a prayerful gathering that helps the Church walk forward in the same direction. The word “synod” comes from the Greek syn-hodos, meaning “the same way.” Synods were common in the first centuries of Christianity, giving bishops opportunities to meet and discuss issues of importance for the life of the early Church.
 In 1965, Pope Paul VI instituted the Synod of Bishops on the universal level of the Church, continuing the fraternal exchange that happened at the Second Vatican Council, when bishops gathered in Rome between 1962 and 1965 to discuss important issues facing the Church and the world.
 Ever since, synods have been held every two to three years, drawing together bishops from across the globe, along with experts and other delegates, to talk about issues such as the Eucharist, the family, the New Evangelization, and young people.