There are many ways to become a volunteer at Mass. Some of the opportunities include:
- Spiritual Life and Worship Committee – Assists the Director of Liturgy and Director of Liturgical Music in evaluating the liturgies of St. Matthias. Develops guidelines for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Altar Servers. Meets the first Monday of the month September through June. Please contact Amy Janusz at 414-840-3089
- Lector – There is an ongoing need to proclaim the scripture readings at Mass approximately once a month. Training will be provided. Please contact Kathy Shields.
- Eucharistic Minister – Distributes communion at weekend Masses. Approximately twice a month. Training will be provided. Please contact Kathy Shields.
- Ushers – Welcomes, seats, and assists the assembly at weekend Masses and holy days. Training will be provided. Please contact Kathy Shields.
- Adult Choir – Sings at the 11:00 am Mass September through May. Rehearsal is Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Please contact Francine Micklus.
- Cantor – Leads the assembly in sung prayer at weekend Masses. An audition is required. Please contact Francine Micklus.
- Adult Handbell Choir – Rings at various Masses throughout the year. Rehearses on Thursday evenings at 5:45 pm. Please contact Francine Micklus.