Where is St. Matthias located?
St. Matthias Parish School is located at 9300 W. Beloit Road, Milwaukee, WI 53227.
What are school hours?
The school day hours are 7:55am to 3:15pm for all students in grade 1 to grade 8.
K4 and K5 students begin at 7:55am, dismissal is at 3:05pm.
How much does it cost to attend St. Matthias?
Tuition for the 2021-2022 school year for a St. Matthias parishioner is $3,600.00 for one child.
Saint Matthias also participates in the Milwaukee Parental Choice and Wisconsin Parental Choice programs. Please contact the office for details regarding family tuition discounts.
What age can my child start at St. Matthias?
St. Matthias accepts children age 4 by September 1 for the K4 program and children age 5 by September 1 for Kindergarten.
How big is St. Matthias Parish School?
Current enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is 172 students in K4 through 8th grade.
I work full-time. What kind of after-school care is offered?
St. Matthias offers Matthias Extended Care (MEC) in the morning (6:45 – 7:45 am bell) and afternoon (3:15 pm – 5:30 pm). MEC is available for all students in K4 through 8th grade and is located in the Beloit building next to the school office.
The after-school session lets students study, play games, do art projects and participate in playground activities. Stop by the school office for complete information and fee/rate schedules, or call the MEC Coordinator, Teri Czerwinski at 414-321-0894.
Additional questions may be answered by contacting our school office at 414-321-0894.