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The Evangelization Committee raises awareness of St. Matthias Parish by spreading the word of the Bible and St. Matthias mission while encouraging spirituality. The committee’s goal is to determine marketing strategies for inviting people of the area to St. Matthias Parish by raising awareness of active parishioners and mission activities. These strategies are targeted to those who have no church affiliation in any religious tradition, including Catholics who may be inactive in their faith, Catholics who may attend Mass but have no specific parish affiliation, and those who are registered members of St. Matthias but seemingly inactive.

To get involved, contact Brian Jens.

Why Do Catholics Do That?

The Eucharist – Do Catholics Worship a Symbol?

The Eucharist – Do Catholics Worship a Symbol?

The Catholic Church believes infallibly (without the possibility of error) that Jesus is present bod…

Is missing Sunday Mass a mortal Sin?

Is missing Sunday Mass a mortal Sin?

We should first call to mind the importance of the Mass. Each Sunday, and Holy days of obligation, w…

Have a Pope?

Have a Pope?

For Catholics, the Pope is considered the spiritual successor to the Apostle Peter. He is the Suprem…

Light Candles

Light Candles

Jesus said that he was the Light of the World and that He came to shine a light for a dark and sin-f…

Cross their Forehead, Lips and Heart at the Gospel

My first thought is that we want to keep the Word of Christ with us in all of our body and soul.&nbs…

Go to Confession?

Can you picture what it feels like to hold a fresh piece of laundry after it has been washed and dri…

Light the Easter Fire?

One of the most beautiful things about the Catholic Church is the use of symbols to communicate mean…

Why do Catholic Cardinals wear Red?

Colors in the Catholic Faith are a significant symbolism.  Throughout our Catholic Faith tradit…

Why do Priests kiss the Altar at Mass?

It is clear that from the earliest times a kiss was not only a token of love, but also under certain…

The Flight Into Egypt

The Flight into Egypt, a well-known story about Jesus, Mary and Joseph, is one of the listed Seven S…

The Epiphany

THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI The Mother of God knew by supernatural enlightenment that on the night of …

Light 4 or 5 candles during the Advent Season

Advent (ad-venio in Latin or “to come to”) is a time of waiting, expectation, and prepar…

Why do Catholics pray for souls in Purgatory?

One of the most beautiful things about the Church is that it is the Body of Christ. Whether it’s the…

Are Ghosts Real?

As Halloween quickly approaches and we begin to see horror movies in the theaters, an obvious questi…


Can you explain why priests are doing Confirmations? In the past, only Bishops confirmed. Also, what…

Catholic Guilt – Good or Bad?

Have you ever felt bad for doing something wrong, and had someone tell you that you have Catholic Gu…

Why doesn’t the Church sell all its wealth and give the money to the poor?

The beauty of the Catholic Church is something to behold.  The Catholic Church has huge churches fil…

Can Catholic women become priests?

This question has been around the Church for a very long time.  There are even some women that have …

Can Catholics be Cremated?

The answer to this question is very simple, but it does have some intricacies to be aware of.  Our o…

The Immaculate Conception vs the Incarnation

Few doctrines of the Catholic Church are as misunderstood as the two dogmas of the Immaculate Concep…

Is the Pope Infallible?

It is said of Pope John XXXIII who ushered in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that he said th…

A Parishioner’s Question

Here’s another question I’ve been wondering about.  Why is it only during certain times …

Not Say Alleluia During Lent?

As a Catholic routine becomes, at times second nature.  Some of us maybe don’t even need the worship…

Fast During Lent

Why Do Catholics Fast During Lent? Lent is always an interesting time of the year because it is most…

Why do Catholics…

stand, sit, and kneel during Mass? If you have ever talked with someone who has seen a Mass for the …

Why Do Catholics…

celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Although the date of Christ’s birth is not given to us in Scri…

Do Catholics Worship Mary?

Why Do Catholics do That? Do Catholics Worship Mary? First we have to define “worship”. From time im…

Why Do Catholics Say Amen?

05/05/2015 Why do we say “Amen”? Amen is to say “I agree” or to say “it is true”. Amen i…

Why Do Catholics Pray To Saints?

04/14/2015 Why Do Catholics pray to saints? It’s a common misconception, Catholics actually pray wit…

Why Do Catholics Use Blessed Palms on Palm Sunday?

3/22/2015 Having just celebrated the beautiful mass of Palm Sunday, one might wonder, why do we even…

Why Do Catholics Give Up Meat on Friday’s in Lent?

2/17/2015 In this new series, “Why Do Catholics Do That?” we will explore common questions about the…

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