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Can Catholic women become priests?

cutie-chasubleThis question has been around the Church for a very long time.  There are even some women that have gone so far as to defy the authority of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, receiving ordination from outside Bishops of another country.  I think we can all agree that some women can make extremely good Pastors of our Parishes.  They know how to care for individuals spiritually and humanly.  Some feel the calling to this leadership role, but can they be Priests?  Would this help in the shortage of Ordained Priests some ask.  So then what is the answer to such a controversial question?

Catholic News Service
Why not women priests?
The papal theologian explains
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service
1.31.2013 12:00 AM ET

Further References:

Catholic Education Resource Center
“Why Can’t Women Be Priests? “

Inter Insigniores
Declaration On the Question of Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood
October 15, 1976
by Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Women’s Ordination: It’s Infallible
Pope John Paul II May 22, 1994 Apostolic Letter on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone