Why Do Catholics do That?
Do Catholics Worship Mary?
First we have to define “worship”. From time immemorial worship was identified with a particular action: the action of sacrifice. The reason we moderns get confused about worship is that we’ve forgotten the principle of sacrifice so we don’t really know what worship is all about.
Worship and prayer are not the same thing. Therefore, if you are praying to Mary you are not worshiping Mary.
There are three categories of respect due in the realm of worship. They go by specific names: Latria, Dulia and Hyperdulia.
Latria is worship that consists of offering God our lives, our souls, our minds and our bodies as a living sacrifice. We do this pre-eminently through the sacrifice of the Mass.
Dulia is honor we give to anyone who is eminent and accomplished, like the saints and angels. They become our role models and mentors in the faith. Part of this honor is that we ask them to intercede for our needs. This is called “praying to the saints.”
Hyperdulia is the honor we give to the Virgin Mary. We give her the highest honor because of the role God have her. She is considered the most unique amongst all God’s creation. Therefore we honor Mary, not worship her.
This also should be understood clearly: the dulia and hyperdulia that we give to the saints and Mary is ultimately honor given to God. We honor the saints (including the Blessed Mother) not for who they are, but for who God made them to be. We honor in them the completed work of grace. As the moon reflects the sun, so the Virgin and the saints reflect the light of Christ.