St. Matthias Scrip Program
What is Scrip?
Scrip is a well established and unique program designed to help nonprofit organizations and their members benefit through rebates from hundreds of participating retailers on the face value of their gift cards. Categories include gas, grocery, home improvement, electronics, books restaurants, pharmacies, discount retailers and many more. Rebate proceeds are split 25/75 with each participating family. 25% goes to support St. Matthias School. 75% goes to the family to choose from the following options:
- You may designate your rebate as a charitable (tax deductible) gift to St. Matthias School.
- You may designate your rebate to go to a particular child or family at St. Matthias School as a tuition credit. (Tuition credit applies for the next school year.)
- You may designate your rebate to pay for Christian Formation fees or for family tuition at another parochial school.
- You may receive your rebate in a check made payable to you. Rebate checks are paid out once per year in mid May. ($50.00 minimum to receive a check.)
- Any combination of the above options.
- Orders are placed on line at using your created account.
- Orders for gift cards are due by midnight on the 2ndSunday of each month.
- Cards are ready for pickup at the school office 3–4 business days after orders are placed.
- Many retailers offer E-Cards (instant certificates), Smart Phone Wallet and Reload options 24/7.
- On line with Presto-Pay to pay with an EFT (account set up at Scrip website when registering).
- No check or charge card payments are accepted.
Click here for FAQ page
Scrip coordinators: Joanne and Bob Reuss 414-543-0923